Sign up to the BIMA Bootcamp: Boost your profits


Discover the BIMA Bootcamp: Boost your profits


As your agency grows, it’s all too easy to lose track of profit. We know what it takes to make money in an agency. We know the mistakes that nearly everyone makes, and how to solve them. Join BIMA and Wow for this highly bespoke and personalised programme, designed to dramatically increase the profit you make. 

The BIMA Bootcamp: Boost your profits is exclusively for founders and Managing Directors running agencies with a turnover of £1m - £3m. By targeting the turnover bracket in this way we are able to provide highly specialised, targeted and effective content to those who attend.


To learn more about the programme, simply browse the course overviews here, then fill out the form above.


By completing the form you agree to share your data with our partners Wow Company.


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